Anger Management

Anger Management

First and foremost what is Anger? 

Anger   is a strong feeling of  annoyance, displeasure, or hostility. We have different types  of way of which people get angry the  most common once are; 

  1. Passive Anger
  2. Aggressive Anger
  3. Assertive Anger

Passive Anger is where a person avoid their feelings.

Aggressive Anger is where a person behave in a negative way because of their feelings.

Assertive Anger is where a person  attempt to problem solve and find solutions. 

Volatile Anger is on the opposite end of the spectrum from passive anger.

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Anger bears numerous negative consequences including: 

  • Loss of Rationality
  • Threat to Faith
  • Loss of reason and logics
  • Exposure of flaws
  • Dominance of the devil 
  • Impulsiveness
  • Arrogance
  • Vanity
  • Envy 
  • Malice etc.

Anger Management is a way of controlling one's temperament to not get into a physical fight.

Is also a way of controlling one's temper emotion or when triggered by someone else.

Anger Control

  • You can control your anger by walking away.
  • You can count ten to one backwards to control your anger.
  • You can take a deep breath.
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 Prophetic  and Religious Control and Anger Management 

The prophet of Allah said;

 "When one of you become angry while standing he should sit down if the anger leaves him, well and good, otherwise he should lie down".

The prophet (SAW) said if one of you become angry then he should stay of the hadith that describes the great  reward for doing this  is ; whoever control his anger at the  time he has the mean to act upon it, Allah will fill his heart with contentment on the day of resurrection."

        (Reported by Al-Tabarani 12/453),

                                          And Huraira reported that;

The messenger of Allah peace and blessing be upon him said the strongest are not the best wrestler .the behaviour  of a courageous person  is based on wisdom and serenity of soul."


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