Rehabilitation and it's Process


Key facts

  • Rehabilitation is an essential part of universal health coverage along with promotion of good health, prevention of disease, treatment and palliative care.
  • Rehabilitation helps a child, adult or older person to be as independent as possible in everyday activities and enables participation in education, work, recreation and meaningful life roles such as taking care of family.
  • Globally, an estimated 2.4 billion people are currently living with a health condition that may benefit from rehabilitation, the need for rehabilitation worldwide is predicted to increase due to changes in the health and characteristics of the population. For example, people are living longer, but with more chronic disease and disability.
  • Currently, the need for rehabilitation is largely unmet. In some low- and middle-income countries, more than 50% of people do not receive the rehabilitation services they require. Emergencies including conflicts, disasters and outbreaks create enormous surges in rehabilitation needs while also disrupting rehabilitation services.
  • Rehabilitation is an important part of universal health coverage and is a key strategy for achieving Sustainable Development Goal 3 – “Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages”

What is Rehabilitation and it's process?

Oxford Language Dictionary definition ;

"Rehabilitation is act or action of restoring someone to health or normal life through training and therapy after imprisonment , addiction or Illness."
"Rehabilitation can also be said as the restoring someone to former privileges or reputation after a period of disfavor."
''Rehabilitation is an action of restoring something that has been damage to it's former condition.''

World Health Organization (WHO) definition of Rehabilitation;

"Rehabilitation is defined as a set of interventions designed to optimize functioning and reduce disability in individuals with health conditions in interaction with their environment”  (WHO)


Rehabilitation is part of life, guide, treatment that can not be neglected in the society every day, month, year moves periodically with challenges (Problems) which calls for a Solution. 

Rehabilitation could be the perfect formulae of solving those problems.
Experience and knowledge has shown that there is no perfect system or person who do not make conscious or unconscious mistakes or can be unguided that can leads to sickness, Addition , depression, anxiety, mental or other health challenges.

Therefore the concepts and process of Rehabilitation is necessarily needed in our society.
Looking into the latest occurrence in our Nation (Nigeria) and other Countries, the blow of recession and other outbreaks is a blow on all Nation, which as a result influences the increments of hardship, anxiety, depression, broken homes etc., that could leads to mental health challenges.

So, the process of rehabilitation can be an instrument of precaution and decrease of victims of Addiction , terrorism, hooliganism, mental and other health challenges as well as it's counselling , Education drilling can even be a stop to all the nemeses mentioned and it's like.
In a nutshell Rehabilitation promote restoration of health and normal life using the methodological concepts of therapy and training.

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Rehabilitation can be classified into TWO;

  • Health Rehabilitation 
  • Normal life Rehabilitation 
Health Rehabilitation can be describe as an action or process of restoring a person from disease , deadly sickness and other health challenges using medication and other medical instruments for recovery.
This process of rehabilitation involves medical personnel and patients in need of health recovery in some cases of health problems a further backup might be necessary that could involve some other specialist such as a psychologist and other therapist.

Normal Life Rehabilitation can be describe as a process of restoring a person to it's initial mode of behavioral and normal living.
This process involves more of counselling, Educating & Training  the person to recovery.

Eight (8)Type of Rehabilitation

  1. Physical Therapy
  2. Occupational Therapy
  3. Speech and Language 
  4. Cognitive Rehabilitation Therapy
  5. Recreational Therapy
  6. Vocational Rehabilitation
  7. Pharmacotherapy
  8. Respiratory Therapy

Physical Therapy is used to help individuals strengthen body movements and navigate pain management. Physical therapists work with patients with injuries, chronic health conditions and patients who have undergone surgery. 
Physical therapy and occupational therapy are both hands-on treatments. However, physical therapy focuses on relieving pain and improving patients’ ability to move their bodies. Occupational therapy focuses on improving a patient’s ability to perform daily tasks. 

Occupational Therapy is used to improve an individual’s ability to perform essential daily tasks. Occupational therapists assist patients with injuries, disabilities and illnesses, and help patients redevelop and maintain the necessary skills to regain independence. This includes providing accommodating equipment to aid patients. 

Speech and Language Therapy involves the treatment of speech, language and swallowing disorders. Speech-language pathologists help individuals improve issues involving pronunciation, swallowing, language and voice. 

While both occupational therapy and speech therapy involve functions of the human body, they are quite different. Speech and language therapy focuses on language and communication mechanics. Occupational therapy focuses on regaining and improving skills needed to perform daily tasks.

Cognitive Behavioral Rehabilitation Therapy aims to improve an individual’s cognitive abilities, or brain-based skills. 

Cognitive Rehabilitation can help individuals build new skills to counteract an injury or limitation. It can also help individuals regain cognitive function by strengthening particular skills. 

Recreational Therapy involves recreational or therapeutic activities to improve the emotional and physical well-being of individuals with disabilities and illnesses. Recreational therapists help improve independence and self-confidence in these individuals’ everyday lives.

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Vocational Rehabilitation involves aiding patients with various disabilities and impairments with finding and maintaining a career. Vocational rehabilitation counselors provide support for those returning to work after a serious medical event or injury.

Pharmacotherapy is a unique type of rehabilitation that involves treating individuals with pharmaceuticals. Psychopharmaceuticals, or drugs that affect a person’s mental state, are used to improve the physical and mental well-being of the userPharmacotherapy also involves substituting illegal drugs with a legally prescribed drug if an individual is dealing with drug dependency. This is typically combined with other forms of therapy, such as counseling.

Respiratory Therapy involves the treatment and management of breathing and lung disorders. Respiratory therapists provide care for patients of all ages—from infants to seniors. READ MORE

Need a recommended place for Rehabilitation that focus on substance, mental illness, recreational and occupational therapy, and one on one conversations  about Rehabilitation? 

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