
Rehabilitation and it's Process

Rehabilitation Key facts Rehabilitation is an essential part of universal health coverage along with promotion of good health, prevention of disease, treatment and palliative care. Rehabilitation helps a child, adult or older person to be as independent as possible in everyday activities and enables participation in education, work, recreation and meaningful life roles such as taking care of family. Globally, an estimated 2.4 billion people are currently living with a health condition that may benefit from rehabilitation, the need for rehabilitation worldwide is predicted to increase due to changes in the health and characteristics of the population. For example, people are living longer, but with more chronic disease and disability. Currently, the need for rehabilitation is largely unmet. In some low- and middle-income countries, more than 50% of people do not receive the rehabilitation services they require. Emergencies including conflicts, disasters and outbreaks create


ADDICTION What is Addiction? Addiction is the fact or condition of being addicted to a particular substance or activity. Causes of Addiction          Peer pressure          Bordon          Depression     How to Avoid Addiction       Finding a legitimate business or skill       Avoid bad friends       By taking your medication if any      By playing games or doing things of your interest when the urge or craving   comes.     Avoid being idle      Make up your mind to say no to substance. Recovery     Recovery process happens when a drug user submits himself to medical  practitioners for treatment.         You need to cooperate with them.      You have to take your drugs constantly and always come for the doctor's appointment.

Refusal Skills

REFUSAL SKILLS Refusal skills: is an individual will power to say no to the intake of drugs when in a triggering environment. Refusal Skills To Say No To Drugs      Knowing how to avoid situations that can trigger you to use substances.        Ability to stay away from substances.       Ability to say no when offered substances.       Make eye contact and say no.      Warn the person not to offer you substance again.      Don’t be afraid to set a limit.       Don’t leave the door for a future offer.      Understand the difference between assertiveness and aggressiveness.    

Causes of Relapse

CAUSES OF RELAPSE RELAPCE is common for people who struggles with addiction to relapse at least one during recovery. Some even fall off the wagon several times before getting sober for the last time.  infact despite approved treatment for substance use and addiction,     m ore than two third of individuals would relapse after initiating treatment. Six Major Causes of Relapse 1.        Poor Drug Adherence 2.        Stress 3.        People or places connected to addiction behaviour 4.        Negative or challenging emotions 5.        Seeing or sensing the object of your Addiction 6.        Time of celebration ·   Poor Drug Adherence : The Poor Adherence of individuals to their drugs might be a major trigger to relapse.  Not taking of medication prescribed by medical practitioners for mental illness or substance use and other addiction might lead an individual to relapse. ·     Stress : This is the top cause of relapse and many people who struggles with addict

Stages of Relapse

STAGES OF RELAPSE 1. Emotional stages 2. Mental stages 3. Physical stages The emotional stage is a stage when an individual bottle up emotions but does not think of using a substance. Signs of Emotional State          Individual bottling up emotion          Isolation          Focusing on others instead of yourself          Poor eating and sleeping habits         Poor self-care ·         Experiencing “Halt” H MEANS           Hungry A MEANS           Angry L MEANS           Loneliness T MEANS           Tiredness When experiencing these you must focus on hygiene, make yourself happy and have fun. When emotional stages are not controlled and as been going on for a long time it might lead to mental stages. The mental stage is whereby an individual thinks about taking a substance as the solution. At this stage, you become irritable and restless and Think of routes of escape from taking substances. Signs of Mental Stage        Craving taking a substance.        Th

Anger Management

Anger Management First and foremost what is Anger?   Anger   is a strong feeling of  annoyance, displeasure, or hostility.  We have different types  of way of which people get angry the  most common once are;  Passive Anger Aggressive Anger Assertive Anger Passive Anger   is where a person avoid their feelings. Aggressive Anger is where a person behave in a negative way because of their feelings. Assertive Anger is where a person  attempt to problem solve and find solutions.  Volatile Anger is on the opposite end of the spectrum from passive anger. Sponsorship Ads Anger bears numerous negative consequences including:  Loss of Rationality T hreat to Faith Loss of reason and logics Exposure of flaws Dominance of the devil  Impulsiveness Arrogance Vanity Envy  Malice etc . Anger Management is a way of controlling one's temperament to not get into a physical fight. Is also a way of controlling one's temper emotion or when triggered by someone else. Anger Control

Types of Drugs used in Nigeria

SOME TYPES OF DRUGS USED IN NIGERIA Sponsorship Ads SOME TYPES OF DRUGS USED IN NIGERIA Research has shown that In 2014 there were an estimated 246 million (range 162-324 million) people in the world that have used an illegal drug in the past 12 months. The drugs used include cannabis, opiates (such as heroin), cocaine and amphetamine-type stimulants and inhalants and solvent such as glue. Globally the most common illegal drug is cannabis. In Nigeria, drug use problems are found throughout the country but there are no official estimates of the number of drug users in the country. however, the numbers are considered large enough to be of concern. Type Of Drugs Used In Nigeria Amphetamine- Type stimulants: Amphetamines are synthetic (chemical, not a natural product) stimulant drugs and speed up the messages travelling between the brain and the body. Amphetamines are generally swallowed but are also injected, smoked or snorted. A type of amphetamine called methamphetamine commonly